Heritage skills thrive in 21st century facility

Heritage skills thrive in 21st century facility

Business is booming for our Hawick based stonemasons, John Beattie & Sons Memorials, as the team recently relocated to a purpose built workshop in the Borders town. Manager David Beattie and cousin Martin, are descendents of founder John Beattie whose...

Travelling Abroad? 5 Repatriation Must Knows

If you’re one of those people that always pre-books your summer holiday, chances are you’ve finalised your plans by mid March, or so the travel experts tell us. It’s highly unlikely your research covered repatriation so here’s 5 facts worth sharing. For UK residents:...

What Unites Bridget Jones, Babylonians and You?

When you make your new year’s resolutions for 2019, you’re celebrating a 3000 year old tradition, dating back to the Babylonian era. Unfortunately, by mid January all the promises to lose weight, eat and drink less, and do more exercise have been largely...

Bereavement Support – January 2019 date released

Friday January 11th has been announced as the next date for our Acorns Bereavement Support Programme. The free six week course provides reassurance and companionship with those who understand loss and grief, providing support to bereaved people to face new and...

Time to Talk?

We firmly believe supporting people to have “that awkward conversation” about funerals. Whether it’s drafting a “Plan of Wishes” or exploring pre-payment options, it costs nothing to have a conversation with any of our funeral directors....

Embalming Academy course new dates announced

The William Purves Embalming Academy, in conjuction with University of Edinburgh’s Anatomy Department, are delighted to announce a new date in April 2019 for their popular Post Mortem Reconstruction Course. Exclusively for professionals in the embalming sector,...